Upcoming Events

Sabbath School Classes
Sat 2/15 9:30 am
Church Service
Sat 2/15 10:55 am
Fellowship Luncheon
Sat 2/15 12:30 pm
Prayer Meeting
Tue 2/18 7:00 pm

Spiritual Gifts and Small Groups Ministries

Small groups are biblically based and have their foundation in scripture. Church life for newly baptized members and the spirit filled church in Acts 2. Believers were devoted to the apostles teaching, loving, caring, sharing, and nurturing. They also broke bread and prayed together. Prayer bonds members together, strengthens for daily life, and empowers the Holy Spirit to bless each other.

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Health Ministry

Whole-person care addresses the four dimensions of wholistic health: mental, physical, spiritual, and social.

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Prevailing Prayer

Prayer is the lifeblood of the Church, strengthens our relationship with Christ and enables us to lead others to Him. Member's relationships are strengthened through 10 days of prayer and 40 days of prayer devotional studies.

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Familia Espanol

Tiempo Especial de Oración: No olviden el tiempo especial de oración para aquellos que desean orar por nuestros niños y los miembros de familia quienes se han distanciado de la Iglesia

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The Sealing Message



316 15th Ave
Longmont, CO 80501

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9:30am: Bible Study Classes

10:55am: Worship Service

12:30pm: Fellowship Luncheon